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68 SMT007 MAGAZINE I DECEMBER 2019 How China Built a Single-photon Detector That Works in Space E One of the emerging uses for single photons is to pack them with quantum information and send them to another location. This technique, known as quantum communication, exploits the laws of physics to make sure the informa- tion cannot be read by any eavesdropper. Kirigami Inspires New Method for Wearable Sensors E As wearable sensors become more prevalent, the need for a material resistant to damage from the stress and strains of the human body's natural movement becomes ever more crucial. To that end, researchers at the University of Illi- nois at Urbana-Champaign have developed a method of adopting kirigami architectures to help materials become more strain tolerant and more adaptable to movement. Digital Platform Experimentation Project Uses Quantum-inspired Computing and Deep Learning Technology E Fujitsu Limited, the Singapore Management University (SMU), and the Agency for Science, Technology, and Research (A*STAR)'s Institute of High-Performance Computing, announced the launch of the Digital Platform Experimen- tation Project. Bosch Sends Sensor System to ISS E With the help of Bosch's SoundSee technol- ogy, it is possible to analyze the informa- tion contained in emitted noises. In a research partnership, Bosch and Astrobotic are explor- ing ways to use the technology on the Inter- national Space Station to determine whether machines or their individual components need repair or replacement. Meet Ari, the Smart Bike That Helps You Catch Green Lights E With more bikes than ever taking to the city streets, researchers have designed an e-bike that could help riders cruise the "green wave" while also improving trust between humans and machines. U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation Announces Finalists for Ninth Annual Hiring Our Heroes Awards E The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation announced the finalists for the ninth annual Hiring Our Heroes awards. The 24 finalists demonstrated leadership in addressing the challenges faced by veterans, transitioning service members, military spouses, and mili- tary caregivers in their search for meaningful employment. How NASA Is Helping Humans Reach the Red Planet, Using GPUs E A group of NASA scientists and engineers is working with colleagues from Old Domin- ion University and NVIDIA to simulate with unprecedented accuracy the physics needed to land the first manned Mars mission. To do so, they're using the fastest supercomputer in the world, the NVIDIA GPU-powered Summit sys- tem at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Solar Cars at $15 Billion: Just the Beginning E Solar vehicle bodywork has just progressed from curiosity to key enabling technology. A new IDTechEx report, "Solar Cars, Buses, Trucks, Trains 2020-2030" explains why and forecasts the next ten years with solar cars at $15 billion just a beginning.

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