Technica USA Announces New Equity
Investment to Fund Growth Plans E
Technica USA, located in San Jose, California,
announced that they reached an agreement on
an equity investment that will be used to ex-
pand the company's already successful busi-
ness model.
Meet George Milad, I-Connect007
Columnist E
Meet George Milad, one of I-Connect007's
newest columnists! George's columns will cov-
er PCB plating, IPC specifications, and more.
George is the recipient of the 2009 IPC Presi-
dent's Award, chairs the IPC Plating Commit-
tee, and is a permanent member of the IPC
Technical Activities Executive Committee.
SCHMID Group Installs PlasmaLine
at Hofstetter PCB AG E
SCHMID Group installed the first PlasmaLine
comprising ICP etch and sputter deposition of
its Korean JV SCHMID AVACO at Hofstetter PCB
AG in Switzerland.
Four Key Developments From the
The recent TPCA Show 2019 attracted 31,926
attendees who had the chance to visit 1,432
booths erected by enterprises from 420 coun-
tries. In addition, the topics brought forth by
the 57 seminars and keynote forums held at the
recent IMPACT 2019 have directed the future
trends of the PCB industry.
It's Only Common Sense: The Right Way
to Brand Your Company E
Columnist Dan Beaulieu has helped a lot of com-
panies develop their brand, and believes the best
way to get started is to find their story. It's always
there; you just have to find it. Like the Michel-
angelo anecdote that claims he was fond of es-
sentially saying, when faced with a huge block
of marble, "There is a beautiful statue in there;
it's just my job to find it." The same applies to a
company's story. Here are some of the questions
Dan asks the companies he works with.
Chris Hrusovsky Joins IEC E
Chris Hrusovsky has recently joined IEC (In-
ternational Electronic Components). Chris will
be building IEC's Central, Midwestern, and
Eastern region sales and service capabilities.
Multilayer Press Technology Using
Magnetism to Produce Lamination Heat E
A revolutionary concept in multilayer press
technology has been developed that uses elec-
tromagnetic energy to heat the existing stain-
less-steel separator plates with a never-before
dreamed-of accuracy and precision. The heat-
ing and cooling systems—embedded within a
robust hydraulic press inside a vacuum cham-
ber design—are controlled using a temperature
feedback loop that guarantees perfect fidelity
between the press recipe and the press result.
Miniaturization Continues:
Day 3 productronica Coverage E
The conversations on day 3 of productronica
continued, including topics such as flexibility,
5G capabilities, and increased data and intel-
ligence. The theme from test and inspection
equipment providers included increased ca-
pabilities in sensing, material handling, and
visual inspection technologies. And through
it all, one common perspective emerged time
and time again: PCB manufacturing is now ap-
proaching the levels of line, trace, and com-
ponent density that were once limited to the
surface of a silicon wafer.