NCAB Group Acquires U.S.
Fabricator Altus PCB E
NCAB Group, one
of the world's larg-
est suppliers of
PCBs with head-
quarters in Sweden,
signed an agreement to acquire 100% of the
shares of Altus PCB. Altus PCB is based in
Cresskill, New Jersey, and had a revenue of
US$4.8 million in 2018. The agreement was
inked on November 14, 2019.
The Government Circuit:
U.S.-China Tariff War Threatens
American Jobs and Investments E
Fifty-five percent of compa-
nies report they are facing
higher costs as a result of
higher tariffs, which are af-
fecting, on average, about
one-third of the total dollar
value of the products they
import. Some companies say their costs have
increased more than the direct costs of the tar-
iffs due to higher administrative and opera-
tional burdens to sort it all out.
Amitron Adds Checkpoint to
Ucamco's Integr8tor Workflows E
USA-based PCB manufac-
turer Amitron has ex-
tended its Integr8tor
software with the
purchase of addi-
tional modules, in-
cluding Checkpoint.
It's Only Common Sense:
Sales Management—Focus on
What Is Important E
A sales manager should do
everything they can to fo-
cus on their sales team. They
should perform at maximum
proficiency at all times and
ensure that they are focused
on all the right things. It is
recommended that good sales managers spend
90% of their time with their sales team doing
three things: have one-on-one meetings with
individual salespeople, lead team sales meet-
ings, and take part in "ride-alongs."
One World, One Industry:
Opportunities Abound for
Learning at IPC E
It's fall, and students are
heading back to school. Will
you be joining them? IPC
offers many opportunities
for continuous learning, en-
abling you to enrich your ca-
reer and increase your value
to your company.
AT&S Posts Results for First Half
of 2019/20 E
In an overall challenging environment, AT&S
held its ground well in the first half-year. Rev-
enue, at €490.3 million, declined slightly by
5.1% compared to the previous year: increases
in sales volume in the IC substrates and medi-
cal and healthcare segments were offset by de-
clining figures in the mobile devices and in-
dustrial segments.
For the Latest PCB News and Information, Visit:
Dan Beaulieu
Chris Mitchell
John Mitchell