The ICT 2019 Christmas
Seminar E
Since 2016, the Institute of
Circuit Technology (ICT) has
held its northern area Christ-
mas seminar at the Majestic
Hotel in Harrogate—the ele-
gant and historic English spa
town in North Yorkshire. Pete
Starkey provides an overview of this popular
ICT event.
It's Only Common Sense:
Making 2020 the Best Year
of Your Sales Career E
Even if you didn't do your
homework last year, it's not
too late to set yourself up for
success—all you need are two
days of planning and a lot of
hard work to make 2020 the
best year ever. Dan Beaulieu
shares 10 surefire steps to help you be success-
ful in 2020.
Heading Into 2020
With Isola E
Barry Matties recently spoke
with Isola's Travis Kelly, who
has moved from acting CEO
into the position of president
and CEO. Chief Sales and Mar-
keting Officer Sean Mirshafiei
also joins the conversation as they share an
update on the progress on the company's new
Arizona factory, as well as their views on the
markets and technology trends.
Punching Out! Why Buy a
Overall, the U.S. economy is strong, and man-
ufacturing has seen a resurgence over the past
decade. Still, the overall trend for investors and
small company buyers for 20 years has been in
asset-light, tech-enabled services businesses,
such as Uber, Amazon, Airbnb, etc. Given that
background, why should someone buy or in-
vest in a North American manufacturing busi-
ness such as a PCB or PCBA company?
Editor Picks from PCB007
Dan Beaulieu
Travis Kelly
Pete Starkey