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22 PCB007 MAGAZINE I FEBRUARY 2020 ties (the production facility capabilities of a supplier). It can also be used to exchange a material list or other needed related data. This grass-roots organization started in 2016 to provide a digital language for the fabrication of bare PCBs. Using the facilities of GitHub to amend, review, and enhance the CircuitData Language, which uses the "open trade transfer package" to define a structure of how infor- mation is to be passed in either JSON or XML format. The current version (1.0) was released in 2018. Since this is not a standard but the re- sult of a lot of work by dedicated individuals, it may be doing a lot of pioneering work for the IPC-2581 committee or SEMI/PCB committees. To join, comment, or get updates, visit www. circuitdata.org. Smart Factory Example An example of the smart factory comes from Atotech GmbH [1] . By collecting process and production data, they are developing models (like the digital twin). The historic data leads to predictive algorithms that lead to a digital model for predictive maintenance. Predictive maintenance is a technique to predict future failures of a machine component so that rou- tine replacement or service, based on a plan, to meet electronic (SMT) assembly needs for IPC-CFX. The ongoing work by many IPC-2581 par- ticipants is to complete the DPMX with the full digital information required for the bare board fabrication process. For many, the DFX information is paramount (Figure 11). Once this is accomplished, then the standard can be used by a deep-learning AI system to learn the many rules for designing a PCB right the first time. IPC's efforts at establishing an open, de- scriptive format for DFM was Dieter Bergman's paramount effort. But, alas, only the few that worked on the standard ever used it. This time, over 100 companies are combining their efforts to see that IPC-2581 is adopted and used (Fig- ure 12). The drive to establish IPC-CFX is a clear indication of the new resolve by OEMs. CircuitData Language CircuitData, as Jan Petersen of Elmatica ex- plains, is an open-source language for com- municating specifications on a printed circuit, mainly PCBs. It can be used to interchange in- formation on the specification (fabrication da- ta only), a profile (requirements and default values when exchanging data), and capabili- Figure 11: DFX is a complex set of rules and capabilities, but IPC-2581 can supply the information for AI to learn these complex rules. (Source: Korf Consultancy)

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