PCB007 Magazine


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80 PCB007 MAGAZINE I FEBRUARY 2020 Johnson: Maybe a bit of devil's advocate here from me, but the Tier 1 automotive supply chain does not exactly have a reputation for being particularly collaborative. Can you set me straight on that? Clark: I understand the perception, but in my perspective, things are different now. I have been working with Tier 1s and carmakers for over 20 years now. In my experience, people understand that they cannot be experts in ev- erything. The primary reason for this, in auto- motive electronics, is the increasing complexity in systems such as vision and radar systems. On new projects, collaboration will get them to a resolution faster and, in many cases, helps to build a better product than originally ex- pected. The automotive industry understands this and is more open with information than in the past. It helps to work with a trusted global partner. That is how MacDermid Alpha differ- entiates itself. Johnson: This time next year, what should we be talking about as your 2020 accomplish- ments? Clark: Today, we are a global, trusted partner in the automotive supply chain. For me, future success would be that we are a trusted partner, specifically to Tier 1s in autonomous driving and safety. Johnson: Thank you for your time, Lenora. Clark: Thanks for this opportunity. I under- stand that many in the automotive industry are concerned about success, especially in the fast- paced ADAS landscape. We are here to support them. We're already on it. PCB007 IPC Task Group Chair Jan Pedersen comments on successes in the development of the IPC-6012 automotive addendum and progress with its medical counterpart. Pete Starkey and Jan also discuss ways in which digital specification information could be abstracted from IPC-2581 in a readable form for quotation and sales office purposes. Click image to view video. Developments With IPC-6012 and IPC-2581

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