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78 PCB007 MAGAZINE I MARCH 2020 Introduction "Guerrilla tactics" was chosen as the name for this series to reflect a number of nontra- ditional, take-no-prisoner concepts, tech- niques, and tactics that were born in the qual- ity trenches and will guide any company to a successful audit result. These guerrilla tactics are also framed around what I call the 10 Wil- liams' Laws; my lessons learned in over 40 years of getting my hands very dirty in the quality trenches. I would be so bold as to say that if the entire- ty of this series was truly embraced and flaw- lessly executed, an expectation of zero audit findings could be not only achieved but main- tained! How is that for a pretty bold statement? Also, how do I know this can be done? Be- cause I have done it more than once. Descrip- tions I would use to characterize the proven tactics presented in this series are words such as unconventional, focused, speed-based, tac- tical, dynamic, and high integrity. Character and Integrity What this series will not present are quick and dirty ways to circumvent requirements, methods to "fool" an auditor, how to "buy" your ISO registration, the top 10 bribes most likely to be accepted by an auditor, or short- cuts for not doing the day-to-day work that is required for an effective QMS. What this series will present are legitimate, aboveboard tech- niques that pass the integrity smell test. I believe that in life, character and integrity are everything. This belief was somewhat vali- dated during a recent conversation with one of the few politicians worth their salt, J.C. Watts. Before he became a member of Congress, J.C. was quite the quarterback for the University of Oklahoma, and later professionally in the Ca- Guerilla Tactics to Pass Any QMS Audit, Part 1 The Right Approach by Steve Williams, THE RIGHT APPROACH CONSULTING