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94 PCB007 MAGAZINE I APRIL 2020 when they were really getting bombed, and the Americans weren't in yet, it was pre-Pearl Harbor. And the hard times they were having. If you're feeling like that, and what Churchill was going through at that time, it's very simi- lar to this these times, practically. Well, worse, bombs aren't dropping on our houses. But I'm getting a lot of insight from him. People ought to read Churchill right now and learn some of his quotes because this is where we are. I don't mean to make light of it, it's serious, but I think this will pass and we will come out stronger. Johnson: Fantastic. Thank you for taking the time to speak with us. I have been speaking with Dan Beaulieu, President of D.B. Manage- ment Group. I appreciate your time, Dan. Beaulieu: Oh, my pleasure, Nolan. Anytime. Johnson: And this is Nolan Johnson with I-Connect007. Thank you for listening. PCB007 short as the President says, but I don't think it's going to be as long as the doomsayers say. We will come out of this. And I'm already seeing signs of people working harder. They're trying to make it work. People are cooperating better with each other. Some of my clients are calling me to meet other clients who can help them in operations—people who they didn't talk to before. I'm seeing that. I think we're going to come out of this better and so I don't have any great concerns about the business. Of course, things are tough right now. But on the same token, the clients I'm working with are doing well. They don't know how long you're going to be doing well. And, of course, if they get hit with the virus, we're all concerned about that. If you want to talk economy and all that, we're going to have some tough times, but I think we are going to come out strong. Johnson: Thank you. Anything else you'd like to share before we wrap up? Beaulieu: I'll say it again. Please, business as usual. I've been reading, I can't remember the name of it, but the latest book on Churchill. I wrote my column this week on that. Be- cause it was about the worst days in England Elvia PCB Group President Bruno Cassin said, "Elvia is proud to be supporting this vital endeavor. We have suc- ceeded in delivering the first batch of 500 PCBs, which were manufactured in just four working days." Further production volumes of 1,500 PCBs are in prepa- ration, and even larger volumes are expected. (Source: Elvia PCB Group) Elvia PCB Group—the leading European manufacturer of high-reliability PCBs—has been working non-stop since the beginning of the current COVID-19 pandemic. The health and safety of its employees is, as always, the top priority. The necessary preventative measures were implemented quickly and efficiently, and production is continuing in order to safeguard jobs and to ensure that Elvia continues to support its customers at this critical time. Faced with the spread of the coronavirus, a consortium of four major industrial groups has committed to manu- facturing 10,000 medical ventilators by mid-May. Elvia's facility—located in Normandy, France—is making a valuable contribution to this critical project by manufacturing the PCBs—a crucial part of the medical ventilators in record time. Elvia PCB Group Is Working Non-stop to Fight COVID-19