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50 PCB007 MAGAZINE I APRIL 2020 Feature by Steve Williams, THE RIGHT APPROACH CONSULTING, and Fane Friberg, CEPHAS LLC Introduction We are living in unprecedented times related to the ongoing spread of the coronavirus and its impact on our day-to-day lives. Individu- als, families, businesses, and entire communi- ties have been affected in unparalleled ways. As difficult as the situation has become, it's critical for business leaders to step forward. In a time of crisis, understanding current and future logistics capacity by mode—and their associated trade-offs—will be even more es- sential than usual, as will prioritizing logistics needs in required capacity and time sensitivity of product delivery. Actions taken now to miti- gate impacts on supply chains can also build resilience against future shocks. First Things First: Protective Measures Although information, direction, recommen- dations, and government-imposed sanctions are changing by the hour, there are several commonsense fundamentals we can encourage all employees to follow to minimize the chance of getting ill and further spreading the virus. Basic protective measures against the coro- navirus [1] include: • Wash your hands frequently for a minimum of 20 seconds • Maintain social distancing (3 feet minimum) • Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth • Practice respiratory hygiene • Work from home if at all possible • Avoid large gatherings, particularly those with an international audience • Rethink your travel plans if traveling by plane • Stay aware of the infection rates in cities, states, and countries (and avoid them) • If you have a fever, a cough, and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early • Follow advice given by your healthcare provider • Stay informed on the latest developments about COVID-19 Supply-chain Recovery: Plan for Now and the Future