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56 SMT007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2020 attach accessories and remove shipping brack- ets. We even have tuto- rials on how to make time-saving programs, create vision files, and program a feeder. Having done remote installations of our AOI machines for years has allowed us to fluidly adapt under the cur- rent conditions. The addition of videos and the advancement of instant-help technol- ogy has allowed us to go further. If the vid- eos do not provide everything a customer may need, our team of experts can access the machine through screen controlling. This allows us to diagnose anything that may be going wrong and apply a solution in real-time. In some cases, spare parts may be needed, and we can ship them overnight, allowing for a quick fix. Customers who use SMT equipment often wear many hats at their company. With this in mind, we have designed resources to help any customer set up and run a high-function- ing machine. If needed, our senior tech can remotely train customers at a mutually ideal time. This training covers important sub- jects such as creating a file for each compo- nent, detecting problems like wrong parts, and ensuring correct orientation and sufficient sol- der paste. Too often, an SMT line functions at only 40–50% of its capacity. But we know that if each machine is optimized for speed and cor- rect placement, that average can be increased drastically. By solving common problems, more people can reap the benefits of their ini- tial investment. Common issues we see are: • Incorrect programming of vision files or general programming issues for pick-and-place machines • Board support issues, incorrectly programmed squeegee settings, or simply not having a high-quality stencil in the stencil printer • A lack of training on correct profiling in the reflow oven By interacting with knowledgeable staff members and watching our videos, customers can experience quick solutions. The result will be a high yield from the whole line-up. With- out defects occurring, costs will be lowered, and fewer boards will be wasted. Through phone support or chat directly on a machine's computer monitor, we can offer more specific advice. We have interacted with many companies dedicated to directly fighting the COVID-19 crisis. Northwestern University, who is work- ing closely with Sibel Medical—a manufac- turer of remote monitoring systems—is one of our most recent customers. Their remote monitoring systems have been identified by the U.S. FDA as critical technologies in the battle against the epidemic. These systems provide ICU-grade measurements of heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature, and blood oxygenation levels through a wireless, wear- able format. After the installs at Northwestern University, fine-tuning of the equipment was required, Figure 2: Online training on SMT fully automatic stencil printer.

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