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JUNE 2020 I SMT007 MAGAZINE 17 been participating in those experiments in real- time all the time, and we're still doing them today. Instead of having customers send us their chemistry and substrates and then sched- ule time in our lab to visit us, we do an elab- orate video remote experience for them inside of our lab. Our lab technicians run their pro- cess on these cutting-edge technologies, and the customers view it as a real-time experience. Because of that, I've never doubted the future of manufacturing in technology in the United States. Sometimes, people get short-sighted when it comes to pleasing shareholders before they please the rest of their stakeholders. It's as important to please all of your stakeholders, and probably the ones who we try to protect the most are our employees. We figure if we take care of the employees, the employees will take care of the customers, and the customers will take care of the shareholders. Johnson: This has been a great conversation. Thank you for taking the time with this. Engle: Absolutely. SMT007 stayed full of stuff that you didn't expect to be doing. Engle: We've had a couple of orders that were directly related, and we did some amazing things with those orders. We moved systems that are normally a 12–15-week lead time out the door in less than four. It goes to show you what the capabilities of manufacturing in the U.S. are. Johnson: Is that one of the key lessons you learned? As a country, the U.S. was able to respond and do manufacturing in that sort of way, even though at times over the past few years, maybe we've doubted that. Engle: I've never lost sight of it or doubted it. The reason that many in the company never will, including myself, is because we do so many research projects. People come to us and say, "I have this idea to put this coating onto this thing; it's going to become this new thing." We could never talk about it at the time, but we see those things become a reality somewhere between three to 12 years down the road; we've Frost & Sullivan Best Practices Awards are presented to companies that encourage significant growth in their industries, have identified emerging trends before they became the standard in the marketplace, and have cre- ated advanced technologies to catalyze and transform industries. "Blue Ocean Robotics' flagship product, UVD Robots, especially enables hospitals to reduce disease transmis- sion by killing 99.99% of bacteria and microorganisms," said Rohit Karthikeyan, industry manager with Frost & Sul- livan. "It is the first and only autonomous mobile robot that disinfects a variety of surfaces using UV-C light, giving it superior utility over competing solutions. Uniquely, the UVD robot can be easily controlled with a tablet." (Source: Business Wire) Blue Ocean Robotics was selected by Frost & Sulli- van for its Best Practice "2020 European Professional Service Robots Product Leadership" Award. The recogni- tion was earned primarily based on the company's work with subsidiary UVD Robots, which combines autono- mous robot technology with ultraviolet light to disinfect against viruses like COVID-19. A subsidiary of Blue Ocean Robotics, Denmark-based UVD Robots' solution has been proven to eliminate patho- gens within 10–15 minutes in a patient's room. The compa- ny's self-driving, disinfecting robots have been rolled out to more than 50 countries worldwide. "We are very proud to develop robots that not only help solve the world's problems but are also solid and lucra- tive investments for our owners," said CEO Claus Risager. Blue Ocean Robotics Acknowledged With Robot Product Leadership Award 2020 for Virus-Killing UVD Robots

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