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32 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2020 enough information to be able to ask further questions to expand their knowledge of the subject. Product-related application notes can age as the product is enhanced over the years. Smart product development can minimize the UI changes, so the supporting literature does not age so fast. Often, customers pre- fer to retain a familiar UI with controls main- tained in their positions to maximize the use of muscle memory when engineers use the tools. This is especially the case for in- frequently used products. I am sure you are all familiar with web conferencing tools that keep "improving" and moving all the controls around the desktop leading to frustration for occasional users. Verified Application Notes? Application notes should always be treat- ed as "best endeavors;" they are not the same as peer-reviewed published papers. Even with peer review, it can be difficult in complex areas to get two engineers to agree on the same solu- tion to an engineering problem. However, with technical information, it is Figure 3: Timeless application note.