Intel Capital Invests $132 Million in
11 Disruptive Technology Startups E
Intel Capital, Intel Corporation's global invest-
ment organization, recently announced new in-
vestments totaling $132 million in 11 technol-
ogy startups. These companies bring to market
breakthrough innovations in artificial intelli-
gence, autonomous computing, and chip design.
Robotics Reaps Rewards at ICRA:
NVIDIA's Dieter Fox Named RAS Pioneer E
Thousands of researchers from around the
globe gathered—virtually—recently for the
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation. As a flagship conference on all
things robotics, ICRA has become a renowned
forum since its inception in 1984.
New Printed Electronics Material
From CHASM Advanced Materials
Fuels Next-Generation Transparent
Wireless Antennas E
CHASM Advanced Materials announced a new
generation of its AgeNT™ transparent conduc-
tive film platform specifically formulated for
applications requiring very low sheet resistance
and high visible light transparency, such as
transparent RF antennas, transparent RF/EMI
shielding films, transparent heaters, and trans-
parent electrodes, and wiring for LED lighting.
iDriverplus Selects Ouster Lidar for
Autonomous Robotics Platform E
Ouster Inc., a leading provider of high-reso-
lution lidar sensors for autonomous vehicles,
robotics, security, and mapping, recently an-
nounced a partnership with Chinese robotics
leader iDriverplus for autonomous cleaning
and sanitation robots used to safely sanitize
and disinfect potentially contaminated side-
walks and public areas.
DOT Autonomous Farming Platform
Has Arrived in Ontario E
Haggerty Creek is the first DOT unit operator
in Ontario and arrived in Bothwell on May 13,
2020. It has already taken to the fields of Cha-
tham-Kent to be used in commercial fertilizer
WISeKey 'Foresight' IoT Early Warning
System Technologies Can Be Used to
Facilitate the Detection of Future
Virus Outbreaks E
WISeKey International Holding Ltd, a leading
global cybersecurity and IoT company, an-
nounced it is partnering with global technolo-
gy organizations to provide an IoT early warn-
ing system that can be used to facilitate early
detection of viruses and future outbreaks.
Manage Disruption Through Collaboration
at Virtual SEMICON West 2020 E
SEMICON West will occur in a virtual format
for the first time in 50 years, featuring all the
world-class talent and leading technologies
that have come to symbolize the flagship
microelectronics annual conference.
NTS Longmont Expands Capabilities to
Become One of Colorado's Most Advanced
'One-Stop Shops' for Packaging, Energy,
Space, and Aviation Industry Testing and
Certification E
NTS announced that its laboratory in Long-
mont, Colorado, is once again expanding its
services. The NTS lab secured ISTA Laborato-
ry Certification earlier this year and now tests
to Amazon, FedEx, and Sam's Club require-
ments. ISTA Certification ensures packages un-
dergo rigorous testing to protect against shock,
vibration, and atmospheric hazards.