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8 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I AUGUST 2020 AUGUST 2020 • CONTENTS FLEX007 ARTICLES: Flexible Circuit Design Rules for Beginners by Olga Scheglov FLEX007 COLUMNS: The Black Magic in the Business by Tara Dunn Next-Generation Flex Circuits: Monocoque Printed Circuits by Dominique K. Numakura HIGHLIGHTS: Flex007 FLEX007 SHORTS: TNO at Holst Centre Taking Significant Steps Toward Enabling 3D Printing for Electronics EHang to Expand Production Facility for Autonomous Aerial Vehicles Getting your fab notes correct and complete can be challenging enough, but the task is ampli- fied for flexible circuit designers, who must convey 3D flex design intent to the manufacturer. Communication is king here, and accurate fab notes are the currency of the realm. This Month in Flex 98 94 106 105 104 108 FLEX 98 94 106