The PCB Norsemen:
Leadership Styles for Success E
Leadership is the foundation
o f a s u c c e s s f u l b u s i n e s s.
Elmatica CEO Didrik Bech
looks deeper into the various
styles of leadership and shares
his experiences and opinions.
It's Only Common Sense:
Enough Already! E
" T h i s i s t h e t i m e t o h ave
the strength to not only en-
dure but also to find ways to
thrive in these unprecedented
times." Dan Beaulieu shares
three things we can all be do-
ing to make these abnormal
times as normal and productive as we can with
the situation at hand.
Sunstone Circuits Launches
New Text Message Notification
Feature E
Sunstone Circuits—
a PCB solutions pro-
vider for prototypes,
medium-volume, and
production quanti-
ties—announced new
optional order status
text alerts (Sunstone
order status) commu-
nication platform.
Catching up With VirBELA's
Glenn Sanford E
Have you been disappointed
by trade shows and confer-
ences being canceled or post-
poned? Have you wondered
how some of these events are
going virtual? Dan Beaulieu
speaks with Glenn Sanford,
chief strategy officer of VirBELA, about the
company's platform and its impact on events.
Murray Percival Takes a Bite
Out of Board Costs: Partners
With Board Shark E
The Murray Percival Com-
pany, a supplier to the Mid-
west's electronics industry,
announced a new partnership
with Board Shark, a PCB solu-
tion provider.
W. Edwards Deming's Lost
Chapters Recovered E
Happy Holden was cleaning
up a bookcase recently and
came across a tired, dog-eared
set of papers that was Dr.
Deming's initial draft of his
book "On The Management
of Statistical Techniques for
Quality and Productivity," which he received
when he came to HP to lecture about quality
and productivity on March 11, 1981.
For the Latest PCB News and Information,
Glenn Sanford
W. Edwards Demming
Dan Beaulieu
Didrik Bech