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62 PCB007 MAGAZINE I SEPTEMBER 2020 demand for greener production, and environ- mental certifications. You don't want surprises in your production after release, and you need the right labor force with the knowledge and ex- perience necessary to succeed. There are several examples where well-known market leaders in all industries faced bad PR cases when child la- bor was identified, or products were withdrawn from the market due to safety or regulatory concerns, or unsafe or unfair labor conditions. These elements can be detrimental for a product or company, and the costs can be shattering. The Fourth Pillar: Sales The fourth pillar is no less important. Your product is ready for launch and global distribu- tion, but do you have the right partners to suc- ceed and ramp up or adapt to new market de- mands? Do you have the necessary insurance or a solid relationship with your logistic part- ners offering the necessary priority you need? COVID-19 has shown us how brittle a supply chain can be, and we have all learned many lessons; have you taken those into consider- ation? The Fifth Pillar: Cybersecurity The fifth pillar of PCB production should be cybersecurity. Protecting your data and intel- lectual property rights is a core necessity to al- low you to keep your competitors at bay and give you room to further develop your prod- ucts. Are you working with partners with the necessary equipment and procedures to pro- tect your data? Five Steps to Success Understanding the pillars of PCB fabrication without setting it into a proper context may not allow you to fully understand its challeng- es and opportunities. I see this context by lay- ing a path from the start to the end of the prod- uct development process (PDP). It's essential to recognize at which step along the path you should involve the right actors based on the knowledge and expertise that the process re- quires is essential. Unfortunately, actors are often brought in too late or at the wrong stage of the PDP, resulting in slower development, increased costs, and a suboptimal product. It is vital that the proj- ect leader for every new idea institutes a clear plan, path, timeline, and goals, as well as what to do if you are successful or unsuccessful. Here are five steps to success, from concept and idea generation to product launch and dis- tribution. 1. Concept and Idea Generation An idea itself will not end up as a product. When starting a PDP, you need to ask all the important questions. What is possible, cost- effective, legal, smart, and most optimal for your electrical product? What technological so- lution should you select, and at what price? At this stage, there is a tendency not to involve ac- tors, such as procurement, sales, and account- ing. These actors have unique knowledge re- garding what technology the market actually is requesting (sales), cost-and-benefit analyses of technological solutions (procurement), and the actual profitability of the potential solution (accounting). 2. Research and Analysis When the concept is set, research and analysis can begin. Ensure that you have all the actors to help you. The analysis is a key strength during any PDP, and this stage is often underestimated. Resources are spent on a product that the market either did not request (sales) or are labor-intensive and ex- pensive (procurement and accounting). Spend time developing a comprehensive cost, sales, and market analysis. Know your market, and then you will know your product. 3. Design When all parameters are set, and the analy- sis is complete, you are ready to start design- ing. Avoiding costly mistakes in your design