Punching Out! Are We Selling a
Business or Watching 'Die Hard'? E
According to Wikipedia, the
movie series "Die Hard" is
about "a police detective who
continually finds himself in the
middle of violent crises and in-
trigues where he is the only
hope against disaster." Tom Kastner explains
how if you use the "strong or powerful" defi-
nition of "violent," that pretty much describes
many M&A deals.
Real Time with…SMTAI 2020: ASC
Makes Lemonade Out of Lemons E
Steve Williams and Anaya Vardya, president
and CEO of American Standard Circuits (ASC),
discuss the upcoming virtual SMTAI show
and how the company is "making lemonade
out of lemons." Anaya explains how the CO-
VID-19 lockdown has caused ASC to become
more creative in its marketing efforts, includ-
ing holding webinars and publishing two eB-
ooks with I-Connect007.
The Government Circuit:
Green Regulations, the Economy,
COVID-19, and 'Decoupling' in Focus
for IPC This Fall E
Summer may be winding down,
but autumn is shaping up to be
a busy advocacy season for IPC.
In this month's column, Chris
Mitchell provides an overview
of the latest worldwide regula-
tions you should be attuned to, the global eco-
nomic landscape, and opportunities to make
your voice heard with policymakers.
Just Ask John Mitchell: Are IPC's
Positions Dictated by Politics? E
First, we asked you to send in
your questions for Happy Holden,
Joe Fjelstad, and Eric Camden
in our "Just Ask" series. Now,
it's IPC President and CEO John
Mitchell's turn! Over the years,
he has served as an engineer, manager, and exec-
utive at a variety of companies and organizations.
Editor Picks from PCB007
Tom Kastner
Chris Mitchell
John Mitchell