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92 SMT007 MAGAZINE I NOVEMBER 2020 1 Lean Digital Thread: DFM Is Now as Easy as Spellcheck E In past columns, Sagi Reuven has written about topics mostly related to the shop floor. In this column, he talks about design for manufacturing. It is clear to everyone in the Industry 4.0 era that the holy grail is to close the loop between design and manufacturing. 2 Real Time with...SMTAI 2020: Seika's Preparation Pays Off E Nolan Johnson and Seika Machinery's Michelle Ogihara, senior sales and marketing manager, catch up on SMTAI 2020. Michelle shares her team's generally positive expe- rience in preparing for the exhi- bition, details the new products on display in the Seika virtual booth, and describes an expe- rience from SMTAI that could have only hap- pened at a virtual event like this. 3 Sensible Design: Key Benefits of Resins and Differences From Coatings E Alistair Little focuses on the benefits of using a thermally conductive encapsulation resin and compare the difference between using a resin and a conformal coating. He also looks more closely at the best way to mix a resin pack and what to be wary of if air bub- bles get trapped in the cured resin. 4 Real Time with… SMTAI 2020: Technical Conference Review E SMTAI 2020, which was converted to a virtual event, took place from September 28–30. This event covered a broad range of topics related to everything in assembly. Over 90 technical presentations are available, but this report covers just some of the sessions I attended. Editor's Picks from Alistair Little Sagi Reuven Michelle Ogihara

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