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50 SMT007 MAGAZINE I NOVEMBER 2020 The indirect role played by test and inspec- tion has no place in the smart factory if it is there simply to detect defects, providing a fil- ter, at best, and acting for the improvement of product reliability in the market—a response to mistakes and weaknesses within manufac- turing, effectively, or a tax on inadequacy. In the smart factory, test and inspection are rein- vented, contributing direct added value, play- ing a new and critically important role where defects are avoided through the use of data and create a completely different value propo- sition. How can the digitalized Deming Theory be explained to those managing budgets and investments to ensure that we move our oper- ations forward digitally in the best way possi- ble? Going back to basics, the concept of "direct" vs. "indirect" value to manufacturing is a fun- damental measurement of the core business performance of any manufacturing operation. The value of the metric is the measurement of efficiency of any expense or cost related to manufacturing support, including non-added- value processes, in comparison to resources that are performing added-value manufactur- ing. Most other metrics focus on breaking down production activities, allowing inefficiencies in support, and enabling activities to go unchal- lenged. These include the operational costs of test and inspection, as well as physical activi- ties orchestrated, managed, and monitored by MES, such as supply-chain logistics and qual- ity management. The origin of this metric predates automa- tion and is associated with the work of W. Edwards Deming, though his dream had to be fulfilled with armies of staff, paperwork, and processes. Now, we have digitized it. As pro- duction operators represent the major opera- tional fixed cost, those who perform assembly are seen as direct added-value, whereas other Smart Factories: Indirectly the Death of Test and Inspection Smart Factory Insights Feature Column by Michael Ford, AEGIS SOFTWARE

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