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4 PCB007 MAGAZINE I DECEMBER 2020 FEATURES: Millennials and Seasoned Veterans: Your Future Lies in Both by Dan Beaulieu Hiring and Training: Powerful Insights from Industry Leaders by Nolan Johnson The Calumet Files: Interviews With Young Engineers by Nolan Johnson Hiring Is an Investment in Your Business by Barry Matties FEATURE COLUMNS: Expert Instructors Share Knowledge With the Next Generation by Dr. John Mitchell Training the Force or the Few by Todd Kolmodin Training for Plating Processes in the Electronics Industry by George Milad DECEMBER 2020 • FEATURED CONTENT Hiring and Training In this issue, we consider the perspective of the employer, the seasoned technical professional, and the new-hire engineer. How do these three groups best combine to fill the skills gap that our industry faces? 14 44 50 10 18 30 40 10 40 30