PCB007 Magazine


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DECEMBER 2020 I PCB007 MAGAZINE 65 processes and safeguards have you implement- ed to protect your future development? The process of staffing encompasses a wide array of different challenges one can be con- fronted with. A few of these challenges might be a lack of experience, time pressure to hire or fill a position, an unclear position, overpromis- ing, or a conflicting culture. If these challeng- es are not addressed during the staffing pro- cess, the probability of a sub-optimal recruit- ment process will significantly increase. Another common challenge is treating the process of hiring as a left-hand job or delegat- ing it to someone without the proper experi- ence or understanding of the requirements of the position. There may also be time pressure if the company lost an existing colleague or hires after a demand is evident. Unfortunate- ly, this is quite normal, as one does not wish to add costs before they have the financial pre- dispositions for the position. In general, staffing should be according to fulfilling the company-approved strategy and future direction. This aspect is often forgotten due to a lack of an overall strategy. Do Not Jump Into the 'Friend Mistake' When Staffing Challenges during the staffing process may include the "friend mistake," where one is subject to employ individuals who have many traits in common with the interviewer. This can result in a company composed of individ- uals with homogenous traits and reduce diver- sity in the company. This challenge can be remedied by having clear instructions regarding what one is actu- ally seeking with regard to both personal and professional traits. One should not empha- size personality tests too much during staff- ing; however, they can provide the interview- er with valuable information regarding how to build the right team with different personali- ty traits. When the optimal candidate has been identi- fied, one should ensure that the candidate tru- ly understands the requirements of the posi- tion. The employer must also provide the can- didate with the training and information they communicated to the candidate in the inter- view. Unfortunately, there are many examples Figure 4: Didrik Bech visiting a colleague curbside. Figure 3: Didrik Bech visiting colleagues while Elmatica's headquarters are closed.

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