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78 SMT007 MAGAZINE I MARCH 2021 UL Certification for the Safety of PCBs global safety science leader, UL helps compa- nies to demonstrate safety, enhance sustain- ability, strengthen security, deliver quality, manage risk and achieve regulatory compli- ance." It has more than 150 laboratories and 10,000 employees. In relation to PCBs, UL has almost 60 years' experience testing and approving materials to make a board as well as the board itself. is includes electrical and fire safety, and mechanical durability. Having UL recognition ensures the end cus- tomer a PCB will not have to spend extra time and resources on their own tests while also sending a strong message that your company cares about safety and sustainability. It's also important to note that processes can affect Security is essential in the electronics indus- try. It is vital that users can rely on the finished products when considering factors such as fire and electrical safety, which means that both the PCBs and the materials they contain must measure up to the highest standards. To ensure that the boards do conform, it has become common practice to UL-certify the constitu- ent materials or the PCB itself. In this column I am going to discuss UL certification, what's involved and why you need it. e acronym UL stands for Underwriter's Laboratories. Founded in 1894, UL is a glob- ally recognized organization headquartered in the United States with locations all over the world. UL describes itself this way: "As the Fresh PCB Concepts by Jeffrey Beauchamp, NCAB GROUP

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