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44 SMT007 MAGAZINE I MARCH 2021 approached us aer they did a proof of concept with existing products and are now in the stage of optimizing the performance, size, and cost. Johnson: at makes sense. Bar: When we started to design the Hailo-8, we had an advantage as we didn't have any prod- ucts before. It sounds a bit odd, but that's the reality as we weren't obligated to be HW or SW compatible to previous product genera- tions like other big companies. Back in the day, you had only the CPU and you could manage to run many tasks on a gen- eral-purpose CPU. en you had the need to run some graphics applications on the mobile devices, so the industry adopted a dedicated GPU to do this kind of specific task. Later, you had the computer vision-based application, and we saw a dedicated, vision-based proces- sor being adopted (DSP or vector processing devices). Now we see the need to have a dedi- cated AI processor to run DL-based task appli- cations in the most efficient way. Now let's connect it to the soware because this is a very important aspect. Hailo has an AI HW core, but on the other end, we also have developers that develop their own soware. How do we connect those two? To do that, we offer a combined in-house soware devel- opment kit (SDK)/Soware (the "Hailo Data- flow Compiler") that optimizes the neural net- work (offline) to run efficiently on the Hailo-8. Johnson: is topography is reprogrammable? Bar: Yes. Johnson: at can be done in the field? Bar: Yes. We have the dataflow compiler. Basi- cally, they are using what we call soware framework that enables them to train the net- work, to give them a lot of images for a spe- cific task, let's say, in Industry 4.0, detection of defective items and so on. is network can detect a defective part in the factory. Aer we've provided onboarding sessions to our customers, they are able to program the Hailo-8 using the Hailo SDK. Johnson: is reminds me of the general archi- tecture for a field programmable gate array. is is very similar, which makes you very reconfigurable. Bar: at's right. It resembles an FPGA in that sense. We provide three products to our cus- Figure 3: Hailo Dataflow Compiler.

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