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68 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I MARCH 2021 Article by Ed Acheson CADENCE DESIGN SYSTEMS With the current design transfer formats, rigid-flex designers face a hand-off conun- drum. You know the situation: My rigid-flex design is done so now it is time to get this built and into the product. Reviewing the documen- tation reveals that there are tables to define the different stackup definitions used in the design. e cross-references for the different zones to areas of the design are all there, I think. e last time a zone definition was missed, we caused a costly mistake. Continuing to review the design documents, I verify that the bend locations are defined with information about the radius of the bends with a detail about how the final product looks when all bending is complete, ensuring that the folds are made in the correct order. I hope all infor- mation is contained in the documentation, and there will be no calls from the fabricator delay- ing the product. With all these documents and details le open to interpretation, there must be a way to send this data more intelligently. Enter IPC-2581 Revision C ere is a way to transfer this data digitally, reducing the need for various forms of draw- ing details in a document. e new IPC-2581 Revision C format eliminates the need to man- ually—and painstakingly—create these details IPC-2581 Revision C: Complete Build Intent for Rigid-Flex