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80 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I MARCH 2021 Flexible circuit designs that come across my desk are predominately constructed with cop- per and polyimide laminates. As I learn more about automotive applications, I am intrigued by the possibilities of using aluminum in place of copper and the potential to use polyester in place of polyimide. Both aluminum and poly- ester have traditionally been difficult to solder to. One very interesting development has been the Mina™ chemistry. is coating not only simplifies soldering to aluminum, but it also enables the ability to automate low tempera- ture soldering to polyester. Having many ques- tions about this process, I sat down to discuss the Mina process with Divyakant Kadiwala, vice president of manufacturing for Averatek. He has been instrumental in the development of this assembly process. Tara Dunn: Divyakant, before we jump into the conversation about Mina, could you share a brief introduction to both Averatek and your background? Divyakant Kadiwala: Aver- atek is a high-tech company based in Silicon Valley. It was founded by SRI Inter- national and private inves- tors. It has two primary products: LMI™, a catalytic ink that enables the fabri- cation of very high-density circuits with the patented A-SAP™ process; and Mina, a surface treatment that enables sol- dering to aluminum. I am VP of manufactur- ing and my role includes overseeing process Simplified Assembly of Aluminum Flexible Circuits Flex Talk by Tara Dunn, AVERATEK Divyakant Kadiwala