PCB007 Magazine


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MARCH 2021 I PCB007 MAGAZINE 41 • Chamber temperature = 8 h, profile between –40 and 80°C • Broadband random vibration according to vibration profile D in LV-124 → 5-2000Hz → 30.8 m/s² → X-axis, Y-axis, Z-axis → 8 h each axis Dunn: What materials does Mina work well with? Rigid, flex materials, others? Kadiwala: Mina works well with both—flex and rigid materials. e alloys of aluminum that we have proven for our customers include Al1235, Al6061 and Al5052. Dunn: Understanding the benefits of aluminum over copper and understanding the benefits of flexible materials such as polyester, the combi- nation seems like a natural fit for automotive applications and a wide range of other appli- cations. Which markets do you see as the early adopters of Mina taking advantage of the sim- plification of the soldering process for these materials? Kadiwala: In addition to automotive, we see significant interest from the LED, SmartTag, and heat-sink and high-power industries. e LED industry would not only benefit from lower costs due to cheaper Al-PET sub- strate but also it would be a better product. A soldered LED operates much cooler compared to one attached using conductive epoxy. Based Dunn: Can you expand on a couple of ways that Mina could be utilized in automotive applica- tions? Kadiwala: Integrating electronics with the alu- minum body and chassis of the car is an in- tegral part of its manufacturing and design. Since aluminum is not easy to solder to, me- chanical "crimp" and "pigtail" connections are common options. Mina can provide a soldered joint instead of these mechanical connectors. It can help at- tach aluminum wire or PCB to aluminum chas- sis for grounding or other such connections. It can also help with attaching copper to alumi- num PCB where applicable. Dunn: is is exciting. With any new process, reliability is always a concern. What type of re- liability data has been gathered? Kadiwala: Flexible PCBs were made using an Al 9-mm/PET 38-mm substrate and compo- nents were soldered using low temperature Sn/Bi/Ag solder paste. e fully assembled PCBs were then subjected to these tests: • K-09 – "Damp Heat, Cyclic (with Frost)" • M-04 – "Vibration" Both these come under the LV-124 Europe- an automobile standards. 1. Characteristics of the Test K09— "Damp Heat, Cyclic (with Frost)" • Chamber temperature: without cold phase: 23°C to 65°C; with cold phase: –10°C to 65°C • Chamber humidity: 95% RH • Duration: 10 d = 10 cycles at 24 h • Cycling: 5 cycles with cold phase, then 5 cycles without cold phase • Operation of samples: here not operated (usually intermittent operation = 30 s on, then 30 s off ) 2. Characteristics of the Test M-04— "Vibration" Mina is a simple pretreatment for aluminum that makes it as easy as soldering to copper.

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