PCB007 Magazine


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52 PCB007 MAGAZINE I APRIL 2021 requirements and technical specifications. Plans for product options and extended prod- uct families will be developed. e product manager identifies and resolves differences be- tween the product specification and the re- quirements stated in the PRC. e develop- ment team does the following: • Develops the initial product functional specifications • Develops release specifications • Develops implementation plans with resource and schedule projections • Defines testing strategies • Identifies and resolves compatibility issues and external dependencies Design analysis: Initially, concept devel- opment and technology assessment will take place considering product platform and archi- tecture. Alternative concepts will be investi- gated, and experimental prototypes built and tested. e best will be selected. Phase 2: Specifications and Physical Design Each functional entity creates a design to meet the phase 1 functional specifications. e design is complete and detailed enough that the developing entities can make a rel- atively accurate assessment of and commit- ment to FURPS+ (functionality, usability, re- liability, performance, supportability, and oth- er factors), cost, schedule, function, and per- formance. In general, the deliverables for this phase include: • Design specifications • Marketing implementation plan • R&D plan • Quality plan • Manufacturing plan • Support plan • Financial plan Design realization: Schematics and product layout drawings will be generated, and simula- tions of the design will be carried out for prod- uct function, cost, schedule, environment, and any qualification to recommended regional or global safety or design standards. Component procurement and suppli- er negotiations: Marketing commits to a revenue and unit forecast. Unit quantities would be known for bargaining power with component suppliers, and designs would have to be assessed with contractors' process capa- bilities. Test strategy and process development: Manufacturing simulations would ensure the process compatibility of the manufacturing functions, both in-house and contract. Test en- gineers would ensure testability of the design during production. Phase 3: Develop, Prototype, and Test Verification of design and process infor- mation: Prototypes should be built as close as possible to the full-scale assembly using the in- tended components and processes and to the product specification. Tooling and specialized process equipment would be designed and tested. All other functional entities (market- ing, quality, manufacturing, and support) be- gin implementing their respective plans. Conformance test and customer accep- tance/demonstration products: Beta proto- types would be internally tested and used for demonstration purposes. ey would also be used for customer conformance and documen- tation, support services, marketing literature preparation, localization, and legal require- ments. Tests verify the completeness of the to- tal solution and ensure that what has been de- veloped matches FURPS+ objectives and ad- heres to product specification. Specific deliv- erables include: • Functioning and tested product components • Updates to plan, specifications, and outstanding issues

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