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66 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2021 as matched to designers' requirements, so there is no need for lengthy research or email exchanges. is way, designers can know they are teaming up with a capable manufacturer and streamline their DFM flow. It is designed to easily guide layout designers to the manufac- turability violation location in the design, along with images, tool tips, and measurements. When logging in, each registered organiza- tion is assigned a unique ID, and all their data in the system is tagged with the organization's ID. is multi-tenant system isolates resources from access by other tenants. Each request is signed with an access token, which contains information on the tenant's identity, associa- tion, and authorized actions. Requests are for- warded to the PCBflow services. When a file is uploaded via a web browser, an HTTPS connection is established, which secures the connection to the services for any type of communication, including uploaded data. is means that files remain encrypted until they have reached the service. Upon arrival to the cloud service, the data is decoded and forwarded to secured storage. When it reaches secured storage, the file is again encrypted, using an encryption key that is generated specifically for the tenant ID. e key is managed by a separate service and can only be accessed by an authorized tenant. e file is then stored in a separate, dedicated folder that is associated with the key ID. When you make an access request—for example, to download the file again—the sys- tem checks the request against the defined privileges, and if the action is permitted, a rel- evant request for the tenant key is created. DFM Testing Time At the Siemens R&D facility in Munich, we ran different PCB designs through PCBflow. We found that DFM testing time was very short, even with highly complex HDI designs. Based on the results, we were able to enhance the quality of the designs substantially regard- ing manufacturing at improved yield. e following is an illustrative description of our first test using a control PCB, which is the central controlling unit in a system with many sensors and mechanical components. Because Figure 1: The control PCB featured 550 components on top and bottom side (above) and 10-layer board stackup (right).