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68 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2021 consists of two panes. e information pane contains general information about the board as well as error statistics derived from the ODB++ design data. e results pane displays the analysis results as a tree and provides con- trols for viewing and exporting the results. Our DFM check of the control PCB identi- fied a set of issues that could create problems during the production or assembly of the boards. Let us look at the selection of warnings and violations in more detail. First, we can see a reduced copper spacing over a long distance between two tracks was reported on signal layer 3. Detailed informa- tion such as actual value (3.416 x 61.245 mil) and the X,Y location of the error is provided (Figure 3, top). A feature that we appreciated is that you can see a description of the con- straint when pushing the information button. According to the constraint tolerance range, the severity is assessed "yellow = warning." is tells us the PCB manufacturer could have severe yield issues caused by electrical short circuits unless the distance between the tracks is enhanced. e DFM analysis detected sev- eral unwanted stubs on the outer layers (Fig- ure 3, bottom). Because the distance between the adjacent copper structures is larger than the value set in the design rule check (DRC), those rout- ing artifacts were not recognized during the layout of the board. And, because the pitch Figure 3: Top: Spacing length issue as reported in the DFM report. Bottom: Copper stubs on outer layers. Figure 4: Constraint "same net spacing."

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