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54 PCB007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2021 additional costs in freight, inventory stocking, and the like. At this point, aer standardizing parts and reconfiguring the suppliers, Schonberger turns his attention to shipping. Oen overlooked, freight and carriers are critical to implement- ing a WCM or JIT infrastructure with local sources. It is this one passage in the chapter that shows the passage of 40 years, in that we've made much progress on shipping and carriers since the advent of the e-commerce model. Processes are key to creating a WCM solu- tion in your company, but that's not the same as automation. When discussing the automa- tion of systems, Schonberger writes that "mak- ing maximum use of people and current ma- chinery is a company's first priority; automa- tion, if necessary, should come much later." While I've only discussed the powerful con- tent in Chapter 9; there are 12 other chapters to consider as well, including: • "Staff as Supporting Actors" • "Responsibility Centers" • "Design Leverage" • "Training: e Catalyst" We reached out to Schonberger & Associ- ates via email while writing this review, but had not received a reply by press time. World Class Manufacturing: e Lessons of Simplici- ty Applied by Richard J. Schonberger was pub- lished in 1986 by e Free Press. e title is still in print, and Schonberger has continued his writing on this topic. [5] PCB007 References 1. "World Class Manufacturing Methodolo- gy Drives Improvement at Case New Holland," IndustryWeek, April 9, 2021 2. "Supply Chain Cost Management is a Ho- listic Business Approach," pgs. 10–22, SMT007 Magazine, April 2021. 3. Her Voice: Standing My Ground, by Chris- tine Davis, March 10, 2021. 4. It's Only Common Sense: Why Market to Our Own Customers? By Dan Beaulieu, De- cember 14, 2021. 5. Tomorrow's cutting-edge technology will need electronics that can tolerate extreme conditions. That's why a group of researchers led by Michigan State University's Jason Nicholas is building stron- ger circuits today. Nicholas and his team have developed more heat resilient silver circuitry with an assist from nick- el. The team described the work, which was fund- ed by the U.S. Department of Energy Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Program, on April 15 in the journal Scripta Materialia. MSU researchers developed a process to create more resilient circuitry, which they demonstrated by creating a sil- ver Spartan helmet. The circuit was designed by Jane Manfredi, an assis- tant professor in the College of Veteri- nary Medicine. Credit: Acta Materialia Inc./ Elsevier The types of devices that the MSU team is work- ing to benefit—next-generation fuel cells, high- temperature semiconductors, and solid oxide elec- trolysis cells—could have applications in the auto, energy, and aerospace industries. Although you can't buy these devices off the shelf now, researchers are currently building them in labs to test in the real world, and even on other planets. For example, NASA developed a sol- id oxide electrolysis cell that enabled the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover to make oxygen from gas in the Martian atmosphere on April 22. NASA hopes this prototype will one day lead to equipment that allows astronauts to create rocket fuel and breathable air while on Mars. (Source: Michigan State University) A Silver Lining for Extreme Electronics