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72 PCB007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2021 Quality is not just an action; it is a way of life. We can say we are quality conscious but as the days pass the discipline can fade. e tools be- come worn, dull, and finally discarded. is is common in the human psyche; when we do not keep focused or refresh on disciplines, we tend to "forget," skip steps, or ultimately stop the practice entirely. So, we must revisit the tool shed periodically to make sure our tools are razor sharp and at the ready. In the quality arena, that means brushing up on work instructions, maintenance proce- dures, training reviews, and overall workplace awareness. We can do this in a variety of ways. is month I'll outline a few ideas that have worked well for me in the past and may be use- ful to you as well. Training is goes without saying. We cannot produce a product or manage day-to- day operations unless we know what we are doing, right? Having a robust train- ing program is a must. is should include the use of procedures or work instructions. Employees should be able to reference these documents any time they have questions on any of the tasks they are required to per- form. However, just hav- ing the documentation available is not enough. ere should be a pe- riodic review of the em- ployee against the work in- struction and/or procedure. Just training or scoring them once and setting them free is not enough and can result in difficulties in the lat- er rounds. Employees should be reviewed at least annually for continued proficiency. is is where inconsistencies can be uncovered and corrected. Quizzes Creating and providing random quizzes re- garding employee tasks or company proce- dures is a great way to keep important items at the forefront of awareness. ese could be compiled as excerpts from specific work in- structions, workflow reviews, customer inter- action, or company policies. ese don't nec- essarily have to be performance evalua- tions but can be more about gauging the pulse of how a specific item is working and whether there needs to be any "sharpening." Video Tutorials We all learn in different ways. Some can simply read a document and be totally fine with it—off they go. Others tend to be visu- al learners, thus video tutorials can be a strong tool to help these learners. ere are many options out there to create tutorials. ey can be basic PowerPoint tutorials, humorous doodle videos, or even live footage videos. e options seem endless. is engages the Keep the Tools Sharp Testing Todd Feature Column by Todd Kolmodin, GARDIEN SERVICES USA