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94 PCB007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2021 How do you find techniques and strategies to transform a business plan developed in the boardroom into a living strategy implemented into the company core and mindset of every colleague? And how do you do it when times are hard, as we experienced in 2020? e answer is having a strategy with goals and objectives, or simply said, implementing good operational management. And when times are hard? at's when you really see what the team can do for operations management. To understand the factors that influence your workforce and your business—and then act ac- cordingly—operations management must be related to more than cost securing and effi- ciency mapping. To make sure an organization runs smoothly and efficiently, your workforce must be supplied with not only information on quality, KPIs, and delivery performance, but with so values like engagement, interest, and attention. I believe this is how your greater purpose can be achieved. An operational management strategy might sound complicated and something that can Building an Ability to Expect the Unexpected only be achieved by hiring a fancy agency to design; meanwhile, it never gets implement- ed and is le to collect dust in a desk draw- er. Rather, it is something every company needs because it is a strategic way of bringing the company together, providing measurable goals, and determining objectives that make the company stronger. ere is no one-size-fits-all, however. Just as organisations come in different sizes, struc- tures, and cultural backgrounds, there are dif- ferent styles and schools of thought when it comes to operations management. A simple and common definition of opera- tions management is the "administration of the best practises in order to achieve the highest level of effectiveness and efficiency through utilisation of the company resources." [1] is involves the responsibility of ensuring that business operations are efficient in terms of using only the most necessary resources to meet the customer's requirements. Operations management is primarily concerned with plan- ning, organizing, and supervising in the con- The PCB Norsemen Feature Column by Raymond Goh, ELMATICA