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100 PCB007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2021 Article by Dan Beaulieu D.B. MANAGEMENT GROUP When my interest began in r e a d i n g b o o k s a b o u t b u s i n e s s , t h e r e w e r e only one or two avail- able, and they were t h o s e r e l a t i v e l y t e - dious book s by Peter Dr ucker. Back then, there were no business sections at any book- stores. When I read the Drucker books, howev- er, I fell in love with the idea that books would help me with doing busi- ness. I even joined a busi- ness book club as a branch of (remember this?) the Book of the Month Club. I read ev- erything they sent me. When I tried to get my bosses at the time inter- ested in reading some of them, they could not be bothered. at has not changed much. en, Tom Peters, and Robert Waterman published In Search of Excellence… and the rest, as they say, is his- tor y. Now, there are t h o u s a n d s o f b u s i - ness book s available with more of them be- ing written all the time. Over the course of my career, I have read hun- dreds of books on busi- ness; even today I aver- age about three a week. When people ask me where I get the ideas for some of the programs I use in my consulting busi- ness, I am always happy to tell them that I steal them from all the books I read. e same goes for when they ask me where I get the ideas for the columns I write. I'm also asked about w h a t b o o k s I r e c o m - m e n d , a n d w h a t t h e y should be reading. With this in mind, I would like to share my process for Great Artist Steal: Selecting and Reading the Right Business Books