A New Captive PCB Facility
in the U.S.
Diane Maceri and Jessi Hall discuss how Sch-
weitzer Engineering Laboratories (SEL) has
been working with Alex Stepinski of Green-
Source Fabrication to build their own captive
PCB facility in Moscow, Idaho; the thought
process behind that decision; and their involve-
ment in the Managers Forum at IPC APEX
EXPO 2021.
Hans-Peter Tranitz: Dieter Bergman
IPC Fellowship Award Recipient
In this wide-ranging inter-
view, Patty Goldman speaks
with Continental Automo-
tive's Peter Tranitz about his
IPC involvement with press-
fit and other automotive stan-
dards which have earned him the coveted
Dieter Bergman IPC Fellowship Award.
A Tribute to Dieter Bergman E
In 1962, while at Philco Ford,
Dieter became the company's
official representative to the
IPC. Dieter tag-teamed with
his friend and co-worker Ger-
ald Ginsberg on the devel-
opment of a prolific run of technical publica-
tions. For his standards contributions, Dieter
received the IPC President's Award in 1968,
the same year he assumed chairmanship of the
IPC Design Committee.
Her Voice: Arbitration or
Root Canal?
As a business owner—and I'm
sure anyone else in business
will attest to this—it's inevita-
ble that at some point in time,
you will be faced with a dispute
in spite of having a contract in
place and in spite of the clarity of the wording.
Process Control in Solder
and Reflow
Nolan Johnson speaks with
KIC's Miles Moreau to get his
perspective on topics such
as wave process inspection
(WPI), wave solder, and vac-
uum reflow, and how they will
fit into Industry 4.0 and smart factories.
Excerpt—The Printed Circuit
Assembler's Guide to...
SMT Inspection: Today, Tomorrow,
and Beyond, Chapter 3
Initiatives like the IPC Con-
nected Factory Exchange (CFX)
and IPC-Hermes-9852 under-
pin efforts within the industry to
develop standards and help cre-
ate a smart factory. ese M2M
communication standards, guided
in part by Industry 4.0, are altering the manu-
facturing process by improving metrics such
as first pass yield and throughput by applying
autonomous process adjustments.
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Peter Tranitz
Christine Davis
Miles Moreau
Dave Bergman