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JUNE 2021 I DESIGN007 MAGAZINE 111 5 Medical, Defense Face Shortage of Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors E Industrial, medical, and mili- tary demand for high-quality, high-voltage multilayer ceramic capacitors (MLCCs) has been hit hard by a shi in production by the world's largest MLCC manufacturers who are focusing on a seemingly insatiable demand for smaller, lower voltage— and in some way—lower-performance MLCCs. 6 Medical, Defense Face Shortage of Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors E Industrial, medical, and mili- tary demand for high-quality, high-voltage multilayer ceramic capacitors (MLCCs) has been hit hard by a shi in production by the world's largest MLCC manufacturers who are focusing on a seemingly insatiable demand for smaller, lower voltage— and in some way—lower-performance MLCCs. 7 Hate PCB Respins? Five Ways to Reduce or Eliminate Respins E Redesigning a printed circuit board is a chore that no one likes. Respins of printed circuit boards cost money, delay the schedule, and just aren't enjoy- able for anyone. Yet, many com- panies are not taking advantage of available tools that can reduce—and in many cases eliminate—PCB respins. 8 Why We Simulate E When Bill Hargin was cutting his teeth in high-speed PCB design some 25 years ago, speeds were slow, layer counts were low, dielectric constants and loss tangents were high, design mar- gins were wide, copper roughness didn't matter, and glass-weave styles didn't matter. Dielectrics were called "FR-4" and their properties didn't matter much. A fast PCI bus operated at just 66 MHz. Times have certainly changed. 9 PCB Design Challenges: Designing With DDR E Longtime signal integrity experts Rick Hartley and Barry Olney join the I-Connect007 edito- rial team for a discussion around DDR and the complications board designers inevitably face when they design for DDR. If the DDR design process is not that much more complicated than that of a typical high-speed board, why does DDR cause design engineers so much grief ? J EMA Design Automation Expands Operations in the United Kingdom E EMA Design Automation, a full- service provider and innovator of Electronic Design Automa- tion (EDA) systems solutions, announced it is expanding its operations in the United King- dom with the addition of Parallel Systems to its sales channel. for the latest circuit design news and information. focuses on the rapidly growing flexible and rigid-flex circuit market. Imran Valiani Stephen Armstrong Patrick McGoff Dana Korf Bill Hargin

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