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64 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JULY 2021 equipment that is involved in the manufacture of electronics can be supported by the stan- dard, including AGVs/AMRs and fleet man- agement systems, as well as back end of line equipment such as mechanical assembly. e subcommittee will also continue to collab- orate with Hermes and IPC-2581 groups for better alignment of the standards. eir goal is to release IPC-2591, version 1.4 by end of year. We also will continue to work with industry to help to close the gaps for IPC-CFX imple- mentation on existing shop floor lines. In addi- tion to gathering support declarations from vendors, we are also keeping a pulse on other activities in this area which could bear fruit for legacy lines, such as industry-developed solu- tions for Raspberry Pi devices. IPC will also soon release next levels of on- demand education on IPC EDGE and is plan- ning for additional webinars later this year to focus on hot topics around IPC-CFX. All this is in addition to continuing to sup- port the growing pipeline of equipment ven- dors accessing the Self-Validation System and adding their models on the IPC-CFX-2591 QPL. A lot will happen between now and the next time you hear from me, so if you want to stay on top of all these activities—or influence the next generation of messages in IPC-CFX— join the 2017 Subcommittee. To sign up for the subcommittee and to have your company listed on our IPC-CFX Supporters page at x-commit- tee-member-supporter-or-partner, or visit SMT007 David Bergman is IPC vice president of standards and technology. IPC-CFX from subject matter experts in the field. Our next webinar, scheduled for July 15, will demonstrate how IPC-CFX can be used to support smart factory enablement in security- critical applications, utilizing its AMQP secu- rity protocol and standardized message sets. Register for this free webinar at https:// y-future-webinar- series-smart-industr y-40-enablement-secu- rity-critical-applications. Yo, a Little Help? Even though we have the education in place and are seeing multiple vendors successfully integrating IPC-CFX into their equipment, we recognize some companies will need a little additional help for their successful IPC-CFX implementations. IPC-CFX Engineering Sup- port Service can provide assistance from cod- ing questions and code review to guidance on the IPC-CFX topics and messages your equip- ment will need for your customers to achieve their IPC-CFX shop floor plans. You can learn more at ipc-cfx-engineering-support-services. IPC-CFX is a Keystone of IPC's Factory of the Future Thrust Although this may seem like a lot of activity in a short period of time, there is no rest when it comes to IPC-CFX. Based on the activity we have seen in industry in the last six to nine months, we fully expect 2021 to be a breakout year for IPC-CFX, and we're setting the stage to support current and future needs. We are forming new task groups under the 2-17 Subcommittee to home in on specific machine types or important topic areas under IPC-CFX. We will challenge these groups to define what they want IPC-CFX to be in the next three to five years to help the subcom- mittee focus its efforts to ensure IPC-CFX will meet industry needs. e subcommittee also will continue to expand IPC-CFX to ensure any piece of

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