Foundations of the Future: IPC's Generous Support to Upskill Students
The electronics industry faces the challenge of
attracting talent. The IPC Education Foundation
(IPCEF) aims to help solve this challenge by
increasing awareness of the industry and equip-
ping students with valuable industry-standard
education to better prepare motivated students
for careers in electronics.
Knocking Down the Bone Pile: Cleaning
of 'No Clean' Fluxes in PCB Rework
The original intention of a "no clean" solder was to
eliminate the post PCB assembly cleaning process
while still not risking any performance or long-term
reliability degradation. Some industry surveys indicate
that about one-half of assemblers using no clean flux
chemistries clean the PCB after assembly.
SMT Perspectives and Prospects: Digital
Manufacturing—Just-in-Case or Just-in-Time
Under the dynamic global-macro factors and the burgeoning
digital manufacturing platforms, the construct that is solely
based on just-in-time inventory management as a stand-
alone practice could be proven inadequate. Considering
both just-in-time and just-in-case appear to be a pragmatic
model to operate in the digitized enterprise; perhaps a
"comforting" approach as well.
XRF Analysis Adds to
Spirit's Test Services
Spirit's new Hitachi EA6000VX
bench analyzer can inspect the
material composition of your
product. XRF inspection is es-
sential in military and aerospace
supply chains to verify that
leads and finishes contain the
correct ratio of lead to prevent