PCB007 Magazine


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86 PCB007 MAGAZINE I SEPTEMBER 2021 2. Do they bring complementary talents to the table? Imbalance within an inner circle can attune a leader's ear to only one side of an argument. When putting together an inner circle, prior- itize diversity of personality and perspective. By doing so, you widen the range of your vi- sion and the breadth of your influence. 3. Do they hold a strategic position and have influence within the organization? Members of the inner circle must have the platform and influence to implement a leader's decisions. If they cannot be relied upon to ex- ecute a chosen strategy, then they shouldn't be entrusted with a spot on the leadership team. In addition, inviting uninfluential advisors into the inner circle disrupts the political balance of an organization. High performers suffer a mo- tivational blow when they see a less deserving colleague granted special access to top leader- ship. 4. Do they add value to the organization and to the leader? When considering someone for the inner circle, you should be able to clearly articulate the value they will bring. Ask yourself the fol- lowing questions: What will they infuse into the discussion? Where do they have expertise? What unique skills can they be counted on to bring to the table? 5. Do they positively impact other members of the inner circle? If you've ever inhabited a house with a feud- ing husband and wife, then you can under- stand the need for leaders in close proximity to get along. Infighting saps energy and focus from a senior leader, forcing him or her to me- diate conflicts with time that could be better spent elsewhere. Differences of opinion signal healthy debate, but personal animosities de- stroy a leadership team. Make sure members of your inner circle have the emotional intel- ligence to keep arguments from becoming too personal. Developing relationships with the real lead- ers in an organization and honing your ability to form meaningful connections with others will become vital tools in your leadership tool- box. Develop and use these tools early in your relationships with others and you will quickly see the benefits. PCB007 Steve Williams is president of The Right Approach Consult- ing. He is also an independent certified coach, trainer, and speaker with the John Maxwell team. To read past columns or contact Williams, click here.

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