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yourselves, and don't point fingers. Do not place blame but find the solutions to the problems and then implement the changes necessary to make sure that it doesn't hap- pen again. Feinberg: Gentlemen, any final thoughts on the topic? Karnazes: I think Patryck really hit the nail on the head: data management is all about contin- uous improvement. Feinberg: I would agree. Shaughnessy: ank you all for doing this. It's been very instructive. Karnazes: ank you. DESIGN007 ing thing that has issues, problems, and situations. How about part procurement? at's a big one right now. You have to go through that process. Along the way, it's going to be a process of communicating to the people who are doing the task and to management about shiing goals, maybe shifting perspectives or objectives that they may be expecting. I think that's where there's not a communication process upward because the managers will come down and say, "Do it." at's not communication. When things go wrong, there must be a serious discus- sion. A lot of times we deal with the effects of the results rather than the actual root cause of the problem itself. Nothing ever gets fixed when you do that. You need to dig deeper into the problem itself and ask why this happened. Sit down, be honest with