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DECEMBER 2021 I DESIGN007 MAGAZINE 73 engineers are actually "closet artists," looking for a chance to express themselves? Chester: As a leader, Steve Jobs had many tal- ents, but one of the most important was having focus and instilling a similar focus into others. He pushed the designers and engineers work- ing with him toward more than the goal of completing a product. Being asked to design something beautiful gives people more own- ership and investment in what they are work- ing on. So, yes, this gives those designers and engineers a chance to express themselves, not as a "closet artist," but as someone who can be proud of their work and as someone who wants to share what they have worked on. Shaughnessy: Is there anything else you'd like to add? Chester: e best design tool is you. Your cre- ativity, your problem-solving skills, and your understanding of the circuit is what will ensure success. However, you can never remain sta- tionary and should always be doing the fol- lowing: • Question: Always ask questions; this can be to clarify or expand your knowledge. • Contribute: Where possible, share your knowledge and expertise with others. is helps advance the technical under- standing of others, and also serves to reinforce the information in your own mind. • Explore: Never stop exploring. Shaughnessy: anks for your time, Tomas. Chester: ank you, Andy. DESIGN007 Ocelot render top view A.