PCB007 Magazine


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98 PCB007 MAGAZINE I DECEMBER 2021 IPC: What are some of the significant changes in the standards? Fourcade: Both documents went under some great changes and synergy between them. e most significant change in A-610H was removing target conditions entirely in line with A-620D. Also, some re-structuring of ESD into an appen- dix and the jumper wires criteria into a new sec- tion 13, in which I was personally involved with the Kangaroo team. J-STD-001H brings some critical industry consensus on cleaning, a new appendix for X-ray guidelines, and both docu- ments incorporated new SMT termination cri- teria: wrapped terminals. e leaders and IPC liaisons did an outstanding job handling all these changes and getting it done. IPC: Why are J-STD-001H and IPC-A-610H important to the industry? Fourcade: ese documents are called out when the industry needs reliable electronics. eir importance is held by the industry itself demanding a standardized baseline to build electronics better. IPC: Should these documents be used together? Fourcade: Users are encouraged to use these documents together to best aid their inspec- tion process. Interpretation leads sometimes to misconceptions of the intended use. As defined by the scope of each document, a user may apply J-STD-001 to their entire manufac- turing process, whereas A-610 is applicable only during inspection, mainly for reference and training. IPC: ank you for all your work on the com- mittees. Fourcade: ank you. PCB007 by Luca Gautero The moment will come when some of you readers will advance from interest to complete involvement with the technology. This will be a fun ride as you will expe- rience first-hand the con- cepts seen so far in this col- umn. However, we all know that any reliable tech- nology relies on one healthy, not so exciting, good habit: preventive maintenance. Preventive maintenance and incidental repairs are not the same, though they might follow the same instructions. Still, this does not mean that these are interchangeable. The last section will mention inci- dental repairs and why, in my opinion, this is the right technological age to be less averse to these issues. For now, the focus will be on the good old pre- ventive maintenance, as a habit—or even better— a tiny habit. 1 As a tiny habit, the focus should be on the ability to perform the action or behavior, and on the prompt. The clearer the prompt, the easier it is to begin a task. The more able the person is, the less motivation is needed. This is why equipment manufacturers write manu- als (which facilitate ability) and provide a scheduling routine (facilitating a prompt). A simple copy-paste of the SÜSS MicroTec maintenance manual would fit this column nicely, though this would not be fair to the technology and to the many valuable compet- ing inkjet printing solutions out there. So, here are independent tool maintenance considerations. To read this entire column, click here. Luca Gautero is product manager at SÜSS MicroTec (Netherlands) B.V. Additive Reality: You've Opened Up the Inkjet Printer Box, Now What?

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