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70 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JANUARY 2022 to make sure you have actionable data across the three major steps of SMT manufacturing to make well informed decisions. With reflow process inspection, KIC intro- duced the next level of inspection for the re- flow process. Knowing that your production reflow temperature profile is inspected and monitored to maintain process control, trace- ability and quality solder joints for every prod- uct run through your oven. is critical data should be a part of your overall Industry 4.0 smart factory solution to ensure all production through the oven is within specifications and that profile data is readily available for each in- dividual board. e Factory of the Future, with Reflow Pro- cess Inspection (RPI) providing a Hermes link related to true "process/machine ready" sta- tus, and integrated real-time profile data deliv- ered to the CFX broker, will allow for a true smart manufacturing line with on-the-fly ad- justments made to the oven recipe based on not just machine temperature settings, but in true form like SPI and AOI, adjusting on all the information available from the CFX broker in- cluding the actual temperature profile of every production board. SMT007 KIC's Action Plan for Factory of the Future Article by Miles Moreau KIC What is the Factory of the Future? Imagine machines with intelligence, able to communi- cate and make decisions in real-time, capture information, share and analyze it. Further- more, the machines constantly track and adjust to keep things running smoothly while main- taining a high level of manufacturing automa- tion and quality. With the implementation of Hermes machine-to-machine communication and CFX Smart Factory integration you can ef- fectively maintain data analysis across the line and determine which adjustments need to be made and on which processes autonomously and in real-time. Imagine trying to make those decisions without real-time information from one of the key steps. No SPI with data about the print. How would you do it? No AOI with infor- mation about the placement of final assem- bly. How would you do it? You can't. So, how can you do it without RPI for the reflow pro- file. With reflow soldering, "heat is added" for soldering but without real-time inspection of the production temperature profile you cannot achieve the Factory of the Future. e key is Miles Moreau

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