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22 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JANUARY 2022 e smart companies in our industry are fo- cused on finding opportunities for growth. In fact, many have grown during the pandemic and are enjoying record sales. Complete, One Stop Solutions One of the most exciting things that has hap- pened through the pandemic is the demand for a complete PCB solution, from concept to re- ality: design, fabrication, and assembly with one vendor, one purchase order. Many of our customers are developing new products so they are looking for vendors that are trustwor- thy and reliable, and most importantly, who can build their new products quickly, efficient- ly, and economically. at is why many companies are offering a complete synergistic solution. Some compa- nies already offer design, fabrication, and as- sembly under one roof, while others are clev- erly creating alliances with other associated companies to provide their customers with that complete solution. Onshoring e PCB and PCBA business is com- ing back to North America, but let's not fool ourselves; it will never come back to the levels that it once was. But the low- to mid-volume work is being "onshored" as a re- sult of COVID restrictions and the geopolitical atmo- sphere surrounding us today. Our domestic companies have seen an increase in the number of quotes, and it's looking more like the num- bers Asia has been getting for the last 10 years. Smart companies are finding ways to take advantage of this trend. It means leaving their comfort zone, but they are finding it's well worth the ef- fort. Another facet of onshor- ing is accommodating com- panies/customers that do not want to deal with China but still want the economical efficiencies of dealing with offshore vendors. ose do- mestic PCB and PCBA sup- pliers that have been pro- viding their customers with a Chinese solution are now converting it to a global solu- tion by partnering with oth- er companies in other Asian