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JANUARY 2022 I SMT007 MAGAZINE 45 Stevenson: Seems like about a year ago when we were three, four, five, six months into the pandemic that there was a strong move away from the e-commerce type model and toward calling in. Matties: People had more time on their hands, right? Atay: ey also found it quicker to find out if we're still open. Are you there? Is somebody working? Are you running the boards? It was interesting, because our support team would say they've had more conversations with peo- ple not only talking about boards but how we're doing in the pandemic, or what the out- look is for us. Johnson: Where do you see the technology, the capabilities of production, going in the next 12–18 months? Stevenson: We're putting pieces in place to move toward a more HDI type model. Adding or improving our high aspect ratio plating pro- cess, via fill, controlled impedance, and finer line capabilities are in process and will be get- ting us closer to the that goal. Matties: Have there been any significant sur- prises in those capabilities' conversations with your customers? Stevenson: ere are certain segments of the business where they're going smaller and fast- er all the time. We hear, "We want cost effec- tive, we want high yields, and we want some- thing that's going to work every time." at's where we're going to continue to build toward. Johnson: Are there new markets that you are targeting? Stevenson: ere are a few that we're focusing on. I would really like to see our RF business double in the next 18 months. Matties: You said double? It's a huge market. Stevenson: It is. Matties: And it's definitely a growing market, right? Stevenson: It's one of the few markets we're in where parts don't seem to have as big of an is- sue. e circuit design is where most of the magic happens and we're seeing increasing success with it; our RF quoting guy is busy as can be. Matties: If you're going to double RF sales, what's your strategy? Stevenson: Step one is making sure that man- ufacturing is dialed in for yields, that materi- al is available/stocked, that we're hitting our lead times, and that we're hitting our quality goals. We're going to allow people to quote it online. at's the traditional Sunstone answer, and I think we'll get there in the next year to 18 months. Kelly Atay

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