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66 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JANUARY 2022 surgical precision, and the lowest cost of own- ership in the industry. Soware automation within FactoryLogix provides benefits in many ways, including an expansion of capacity across existing assets, the increase of agility and flexibility, reduction of engineering effort as manufacturing com- plexity increases, and the realistic ability to achieve a zero-defect operation. Secure Industry 4.0 Right Now ough increasing data in manufacturing brings huge benefit opportunities, it also in- creases the risk of IP exposure in a way that en- ables others to take advantage. Complex secu- rity issues typically involve the the of design data which enables cheap clones and counter- feits to be introduced quickly into the market, as well as threats of ransomware, loss of priva- cy, and the compromise of products in terms of security, safety, and performance. FactoryLogix possesses the crucial ability to provide both process and material traceability, including the exact relationship of each specif- ic material used in each specific product. is function is a pivotal technology, which Factor- yLogix fully supports, when considering the re- quirements for IPC's Factory of the Future dig- ital supply chain trust standards, including the existing IPC-1782 Internal Traceability, IPC- 1782A Secure Supply-Chain, and IPC-1791 Trusted Supplier standards, as well as the up- coming IPC-1792 Cybersecurity and IPC-1783 Component Level Authentication standards. Factory of The Future Roadmap Aegis continues to drive smart and secure innovation, including, for example, the combi- nation of secure CFX messaging and single-file design data standard, IPC-2581 DPMX, pro- moting full-digital bidirectional exchange of data between design and manufacturing, in- cluding the creation and promotion of ultra- secure access mechanisms that eliminate risk of design IP leakage, even when used across continents. Factory of the Future soware au- tomation advances the needs in equal mea- sures of Smart innovation and security assur- ance, inspiring confidence in digital factories, their suppliers and products. SMT007

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