Today's PCBs
must operate
in challeng-
ing condi-
tions. Whether it's an iPad hot to the touch
after several hours of gaming or a drone slic-
ing through smoke and debris to monitor a
wildfire, boards need protection from the ele-
ments. That's where solder mask comes in.
The promise of the digital transformation
of the electronics design process is "zero-
spin": going directly from design into vol-
ume production. This requires that every
existing check performed on a physical pro-
totype has a digital equivalent—or, better
yet, constraints synthesized from require-
ments that ensure correct-by-design.
As a grandfather of six,
one of my great joys
is spending time with
them. There is nothing
better than spending
an afternoon at the
park and playing on the
teeter-totter. It's all fun
and games until grandpa gets on one side,
and they try to lift me.
"Education is
widely available
in art, which
implies that it is
something that
can be taught
and learned,"
said Altium's
Vince Mazur.
Welcome to Kelly
Dack's new column,
Target Condition,
where he will pur-
sue the need for
stakeholder advocacy in the printed circuit
board industry. He will be deliberating top-
ics essential to helping all of us understand
what each PCB project stakeholder needs
in order to achieve 100% acceptability for
their stake in a PCB design project.
Data is omnipresent.
At times it goes unno-
ticed, just waiting
there for someone
to collect, analyze,
and make use of it to create value. Data that
seemed irrelevant at the time might come in
handy when you need to come up with a solu-
tion to a new challenge.
For the latest news and information, visit PCBDesign007.com
Connect the Dots: Best Practices
for Solder Mask Application
John Watson
Elementary, Mr. Watson: PCB
Data Management and Security
Digital Transformation:
Leveraging Digital Twin to
Optimize Electronic Systems
Solid Data Management
Key to Accurate Quotes
The Art and
Science of DFM
Target Condition:
'Dealing' With PCB Design