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58 PCB007 MAGAZINE I JANUARY 2022 width memory plus logic. Integrated photon- ics is also moving into production where an ASIC and photonics chip will be combined in the same package. In the wireless market, the drivers are inte- gration, form factor, cost, and shielding. For wearable electronics, the drivers are low power, cost, miniaturization, and high yield assembly. In some cases, customers need highly integrated solutions. Drivers include low cost, greater performance, low power, and easy design-in where there is a low entry bar- rier. Time-to-market is critical. Johnson: In your presentation, you discuss sev- eral packaging techniques. You also concen- trate on "chiplets." How do you see chiplets changing the packaging landscape? Vardaman: Chiplets are a heterogeneous inte- gration solution that can move the industry into the next semiconductor era. While it is tech- nologically possible to continue scaling mono- lithic die, the economics do not favor it. e use of chiplets will become a game changer in the new era for companies that can master the design. e adoption of chiplets will have as great an impact on the semiconductor indus- try as the movement from peripheral pad lay- out to area array designs. A chiplet is a functional circuit block and includes reusable IP blocks. A chiplet is a physically realized and tested IP with a stan- dard or proprietary communication interface between IP blocks. A chiplet functions with other chiplets, so the design must be co-opti- mized, and the silicon cannot be designed in isolation. Johnson: At the end of your presentation, you ask, "Many package options: which one do I choose?" What do you see as the answer to that question? Vardaman: ere is no one package that meets all needs. Package selection depends on the application, reliability requirements, routing density requirements, power efficiency and power delivery needs, maturity of package technology and supply chain, thermal perfor- mance requirements, test considerations, and relative cost vs. alternatives. Johnson: Please introduce us to TechSearch International, Inc. What is your role in the packaging marketplace? Vardaman: TechSearch International, Inc., founded in 1987, is a market research leader specializing in technology trends in micro- electronics packaging and assembly. Our goal is to provide the latest information on technol- ogy developments and market trends in the semiconductor packaging and assembly mar- ket. We are known for our accurate, timely, and relevant analysis. Multi- and single-cli- ent services encompass technology licensing, strategic planning, and market and technol- ogy analysis. TechSearch International pro- fessionals have an extensive network of more than 22,000 contacts in North America, Asia, and Europe. PCB007 Chiplets are a heterogeneous integration solution that can move the industry into the next semiconductor era.

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