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56 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I FEBRUARY 2022 Resin chemistries are extensively used for potting and encapsulation in the electronics and electrical industries, but not everyone gets it right the first time. With so many resin options available, deciding which resin is best suited for your application can present a chal- lenge by itself. In this month's column, I will look at the features and benefits found in each of the three major categories: epoxy, poly- urethane, and silicone. I will highlight the different types of resin properties and applica- tions, using examples from Electrolube's wide- ranging resin portfo- lio, and provide an overview of the different chem- istries available to improve product selec- tion for various applica- tions as well as deter- mine which mixing and application techniques are appropriate to specific production needs. In the first instance, production volumes need to be considered to establish whether you use manual or machine-based appli- cation methods. Will you be prototyping, delivering a short production run, or manu- facturing on a much larger scale? Your answers to these questions will also define which resin types are compatible with these application techniques. For example, if you are potting prototypes or small volume runs you will most likely use manual methods, while much larger volume runs will be best served by automated, machine-based mixing and dispensing sys- tems. Should you be looking to work up from the prototype stage to a full production run, then the differences between manual and machine mixing and dispensing will have to be taken into account when choosing your resin. Let's start by looking at each of the three cat- egories and what they can bring to the table. Each category has distinc- tive properties and your choice will be guided by how these proper- ties can be best incorpo- rated to meet your particular production circumstances and application needs. Epoxy Resins First is the epoxy resin category. Epox- ies enjoy wide popularity in the electronics industry due to their excellent electri- cal and mechanical properties, as How to Select the Best Resin Category for Your Application Sensible Design by Beth Turner, ELECTROLUBE

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