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66 PCB007 MAGAZINE I FEBRUARY 2022 Feature Interview from IPC APEX EXPO by Barry Matties, I-CONNECT007 e technology isn't new, but as Víctor Lázaro Gallego, technical director at Chemp- late Materials, describes to Barry Matties, it's the application of a heat technology that is making waves for its efficiency. Barry Matties: You are the creator of the Indu- Bond Press System. Tell me about that. Victor Lazaro: e unique thing on this press is not the press itself, but a unique way to cre- ate the heat that is needed for the lamination process. We don't heat like the traditional sys- tem does, which is basically indirectly, through hot oil, heaters, or steam. We heat the sepa- rator plates directly using electromagnetism induction. Matties: We've been following this technology and we're well aware of it, first hearing of it from Alex Stepinski. And, we've done an inter- The Novelty of the InduBond Press System view with Sunny Patel at Candor, who has his installed now, correct? Lazaro: Yes, correct. Matties: What really caught my attention is the efficiency at which this unit operates. e heat- up time is instant, essentially. You also have the ability to cool your panels in the same press, because you don't have to worry about the heat-up time, which allows for a higher quality product. Overall, the cost to run this is quite low. Lazaro: Yes, it is very low. Actually, I'm glad you mentioned the efficiency because this technology is heating just the mass that needs to be laminated, which is just the panels and the plates above and below on the press tack. e big efficiency came from the fact that we are not heating up the giant masses that are the Víctor Lázaro Gallego