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48 PCB007 MAGAZINE I FEBRUARY 2022 a leader that is out front with his sword drawn and not back in the tent (or in our case, one that sits in their office all day). Lead by example is a common thread throughout the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership for a reason; it works. ere are three parts to the Law of Victory that leaders need to embrace: 1. Unity of vision. No matter how talented individual team members may be, without unity of vision everyone is pursuing their own agenda. Look at any number of sports teams that woulda, coulda, shoulda based on the tal- ent of their players but fizzled out with no clear direction. 2. Diversity of skills. Poor leaders build their teams with like-minded employees to them- selves. Big mistake; groupthink is the enemy of success and stifles creativity. Diversity of knowledge, education, experience, personal- ity, and strengths will always result in better decision making. 3. Raising team members to their potential. is is another common thread and one poor leaders ignore. Poor leaders feel threatened by others with more knowledge, experience, etc., while great leaders want people smarter than themselves. Getting the right people on the bus is not good enough; getting them in the right seat is just as important. The Law of Momentum (The Big Mo) Momentum can be a leader's best friend. ink of a train slamming into a 10-inch thick, steel-reinforced concrete wall starting 100 feet away from a dead stop. e wall will stop the train. Now take the same train and same wall, only the train has been barrel- ing down the tracks for miles at 70 mph; the train will smash right through the wall. at is momentum. ere are seven key facts about momentum: 1. Momentum is the great exaggera- tor. When things are going well, momentum makes them even better. When things aren't going well, momentum makes them seem worse. is is because when you have momen- tum, you don't worry about small problems and larger ones seem to work themselves out. Without momentum, even small obstacles seem insurmountable. 2. Momentum makes leaders look better than they are. When you're winning, people are willing to overlook your shortcomings and forget about your past mistakes. e present and future are what matters. 3. Momentum helps followers perform bet- ter than they are. When you've got momen- tum, everyone is excited and motivated. As a result, the team plays better than expectations. e Law of Big Mo boosts every- one's success. 4. Momentum is more natural to steer than to start. An intrinsic part of the Law of Big Mo is that it's hard to get going, but once you're moving, you can control where it takes you. 5. Mo m entum i s th e m o st potent change agent. With enough momentum, any change is pos- sible. People trust leaders with a proven track record and are willing to get on board with your vision once they see that you're taking them in a positive direction.